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Catharine Waugh McCulloch


Yet another eBay alert opened up a new branch of research this week. Catharine Waugh McCulloch (1862 -1945) was an American lawyer, suffragist, and reformer. She actively lobbied for women's suffrage at the local, state, and national levels as a leader in the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, Chicago Political Equality League, and National American Woman Suffrage Association. She was the first woman elected Justice of the Peace in Illinois.

Catharine married Frank Hathorn McCulloch, a 3rd generation American Scot. His great, great grandfather was Hathorn McCulloch (1773-1859) who was born in Glasserton, Wigtownshire, Scotland and emigrated to America in 1802.

Catharine and Frank had 4 children: Hugh Waugh, Hathorn Waugh, Catharine Waugh, and (not shown above) Frank Waugh. 

If you’d like to see my research so far, click the link below: 

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